5 Digital Advertising Trends to Be Thankful for This Year

Digital Advertising Trends to Be Thankful For

During this time of giving thanks, let us not forget the key digital advertising trends of 2014.

Over the past year, the field has evolved rapidly, with a number of developments helping advertisers greatly. Yet too often we focus on the challenges of these changes rather than the benefits. So let’s step back and give them their due.

In particular, the following five important trends deserve gratitude from anyone who controls a marketing budget. Each has helped make advertising spends more effective and engaging in 2014—powerful feats for which they deserve much praise.

1.   Delightful Data
Data, data, everywhere. With the explosion of big data (and medium data and small data) it can all feel a bit overwhelming.

However, let us not forget that having too much data is a far better problem than having too little. Why? Because this wealth of information allows us to bridge the gap between perception and reality.

In the past, it was hard to truly know if your ads were effective—if they were reaching the right people, having the desired effect, and actually boosting sales. Now we have detailed insights into each of these elements, allowing for the creation of much more impactful messages.

2.   Powerful Programmatic
Programmatic buying may have a very unsexy name, but the idea itself was one of the hottest things in 2014.

As both access to data and the sophistication of advertising platforms have increased, marketers have been increasingly trying to connect them. How do you take all those valuable insights and make sure you’re serving the right ads in the right places? At this point, it’s too much for a person to figure out.

Enter the machines. Programmatic buying uses computing power and rules to dynamically figure out what should be served when and to whom. If used correctly, the tactic can significantly boost the effectiveness of a spend—the holy grail of tall budget-keepers.

3.   Remarkable Retargeting
Think there are no second chances? Thanks to retargeting, you’re wrong, at least when it comes to digital advertising.

It used to be that you’d have fleeting chances to engage potential customers with your ads—meaning that the messages had to be either extraordinarily engaging or (the more likely scenario) you’d have to spend on reaching the same broad audiences over and over in hopes of finally connecting.

Retargeting changes everything. Now if someone visits your digital offerings and leaves, you can reach them again and again across a range of platforms—from display ads to search ads to social networks. This gives you multiple opportunities to refine your messaging and drive a conversion with a specific consumer. You now get a second chance as well as third, fourth, and more.

4.   Magnificent Mobile
At first blush, mobile may seem more like a challenge than an opportunity for

digital advertisers. After all, it often means smaller screen sizes, slower bandwidths, and limited time.

However, mobile also brings many positives. Foremost of these is that it means constant connectivity. No longer does an advertiser have to wait for someone to log back into their computer—mobile means you can connect with a consumer anywhere, at (almost) any time.

Moreover, mobile devices come with a range of functionality—GPS, touch screens, gyroscopes, etc.—that allow for powerful engagement. The key, of course, is to find ways to make use of it all.

5.   New Motivating Mediums
Finally, let us praise all the new digital advertising mediums of 2014.

This year saw the introduction of so many new options for advertisers that it’s hard to keep track. Facebook unveiled premium video posts, Twitter released promoted photo tweets, Google revealed new mobile display units—to name just a few.

This cornucopia of new tools gives you the ability to connect in fresh and powerful ways—which is good for both advertisers and consumers alike.

The best part? You can expect even more amazing developments in 2015. That’s something to be thankful for indeed.

Keep up with the latest trends in digital advertising. Contact MDG today at 561-338-7797 or visit www.mdgsolutions.com.

MDG, a full-service advertising agency with offices in Boca Raton and New York, NY, is one of Florida’s top branding firms. MDG’s capabilities include print advertising, direct mail marketing, branding, logo design, creative, digital marketing, media buying and planning, programmatic ad buying, radio and TV advertising, Web design and development, online video advertising, infographic development, email marketing, mobile marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, and SEO. To learn about the latest trends in advertising and branding, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797 or visit www.mdgsolutions.com.